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Coverage You'll Use

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Average Repair Costs

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A typical Engine repair will cost you $3,650 on average

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To replace your Transmission, you will have to pay on average $3,175

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On Average, Air Conditioner repairs cost you $1,800 in out of pocket costs

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If You Wait For a Break Down You're Too Late

Extended Car Quotes understands the need to protect yourself from unexpected, huge vehicle repair bills. Manufacturer's coverage is designed to run out 3 to 4 years before your vehicle is paid off and if your vehicle is also your office or transportation to and from work, you can't afford the down time. That's why we've designed complete coverage plans to cover only the years and miles you know you'll use. If you need to renew or extend at the same rate, we've got you covered with no questions asked or waiting period required.

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Vehicle Repair Parts & Labor Are More Expensive Than Ever

A new engine can cost over $5,000, a new transmission can set you back more than $4.000. Labor hours from ASC Certified mechanics can run $125 or more per hour. The days of having a friend help you install a part or sensor are all but over. Today's vehicles are computerized and more interconnected than ever so the equipment and training required makes home mechanic repairs and maintenance out or reach for most owners.

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You Choose Where To Get Repairs Completed

Question: Am I required to get my repairs done at the franchise dealer where I bought the vehicle?

Answer: No! With Extended Car Quotes you are empowered to take your vehicle for repair at any ASC Certified Dealer In the country. So, whether you're on vacation or across town when a breakdown occurs, you're covered with the cost of any repair paid directly to the repair shop or franchise dealer. There's no complicated paperwork or pushback, you simply tell the repair shop you're with Extended Car Quotes and they'll manage the malfunction, get you on your way and get paid directly by us.

Vehicle Service Contracts