Before You Sell or Trade-In a Vehicle Check MAX Allowance®

Get Competing Cash Offers™ From Dozens of Endorsed, Local Dealers!

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How it Works

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Quick & Easy Vehicle Entry

Complete our form in seconds to start getting offers on your vehicle.

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Get Competing Cash Offers

A dozen opinions or offers are definitely better than one! Our MAX Allowance® method makes the most sense for private sellers and trade-in marketplace people.

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Select Your Offer

Pick the offer that makes the most sense to you through our transparent negotiation process.

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Dealers Want Your Vehicle

MAX Allowance® has created a platform for you to get Considerate Cash Offers™. Local dealers may have an immediate need for pre-owned vehicles to fill their lots. With a ready supply of cash, you can find out where to sell your car for the fairest offer.

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Know What You Are Getting

As a seller, you get a fully transparent offer, friction-free negotiation, and and a private, safe vehicle sale, purchase or trade-in experience.

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Weigh Your Options in One Step

Use MAX Allowance® to cash out or trade-in any vehicle. Whether you are looking for options on a private sale or looking for cars for your dealership, MAX Allowance® is the option you need.

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Your Information is Safe with Us

We can ensure that you will be safe and protected through the whole process when you use our secure platform. The information that put in about your car, whether they are pictures or videos, will be kept safe by our team. These essential details about you and your vehicle are sent only to the dealers who can benefit from your choice to sell your car.

Get the most from dealers for your vehicle with a considerate cash offer.